Thai Cooking Class Chiangrai
Tour License No. 24/00269
Banana in Coconut Milk ( Kluay Buat Chee )
4 Bananas and cut it in half
2 cups coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut cream
4 tsp. sugar
pinch of salt
Cook banana in coconut milk with salt for 8 minutes, add sugar and cook it for a minute. Turn off the heat add coconut cream.

Pumpkin in Coconut Milk ( Fak Thong Buat )
1 1/2 cup thin sliced pumpkin
2 cups coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut cream
4 tsp. sugar
pinch of salt
Cook pumpkin in coconut milk with salt for 10 minutes, add sugar and cook it for a minute. Turn off the heat add coconut cream.

Rice Flour in Coconut Milk
1 1/2 cup sticky rice flour
1 cup coconut milk ( for mix flour )
1 cup coconut milk ( for cook )
1/4 cup coconut cream
pinch of salt
4 tsp. sugar
Mixed rice flour and coconut milk together knead till smooth and form into small balls, drops the balls into boiling coconut milk. Cook it till float up to the top then add salt and sugar, turn off the heat add coconut cream.

Steam Banana ( Khanom Kluay )
4 Bananas
1 cup sticky rice flour
4 tsp. sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 cup coconut cream
banana leaves
Peel banana and chopped into pieces, put it in a mortar and smash it well. Mix banana with rice flour, coconut cream, sugar and salt well together. Wrap the mixed with banana leave, steam it about 20 minutes.

Mango with Sticky Rice ( Khao Neaw Mamuang )
1 cup coconut cream
1 pinch of salt
1 cup sticky rice
2 tablespoons sugar
1-2 sweet yellow mangoes
1 tsp deep fried mung beans
1/2 tsp food coloring
Soak the sticky rice in enough water to cover the rice for at least six hours and even overnight. Take your steamer, put water in the bottom and cover the steam section with cheese cloth or muslin cloth. Pour the sticky rice on the cheesecloth, cover with the lid and put it on the stove on medium to high heat. The sticky rice should take about a 40 minutes of steaming to cook and will become translucent when done.
Heat the coconut cream and food coloring in a pot over low heat heat. Stir constantly and let the coconut cream simmer. Hard boiled coconut cream will curdle. Add sugar and salt remove from heat. Pour 3/4 of the hot coconut cream over the hot sticky rice. Let it sit for 5 minutes. The hot sticky rice will absorb all the coconut cream The rice should be a little mushy. Spoon the rest of the coconut cream on top of the rice at serving time with mango and serve with deep fried mung beans as topping.